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European logistics

Useful links and information

European logistics – Some useful links

Some links that might be useful navigating the transition.

  • EU Taric system - Used for identifying HS codes for commodities entering and exiting the EU
  • Trade Tariff - Used for identifying HS codes for commodities entering and exiting the UK
  • EORI UK - Apply for your EORI number (UK based organisations)
  • EORI Ireland - Apply for your EORI number (Irish based organisations)
  • Transitional Simplified Procedures (TSP) UK - As a UK organisation, apply for easements to simplify your importing procedures
  • UK Government - Register for transitional simplified procedures to import goods in a no-deal Brexit
  • Logistics UK - Logistics UK's Brexit Advice Hub
  • RHA - "Brexit and the UK haulage industry - what's next?"

Customs clearance – UPN member partner authorisation forms

It should be noted that there will be costs for the Export and Import customs clearance declarations. Your customers who elect to use UPN member partners for European shipments will need to complete authorisation forms for each partner member that they intend to use ahead of any shipments after 1st January 2021:

Brexit – EU country contacts

Highly experienced specialist UPN Members are between them able to fully serve all European countries with high quality service support for both exports and imports.

Click on the following link for UPN Member and Member contacts that can assist directly regarding specific EU shipment enquiries.

See also

NI <> GB

When shipping between Northern Ireland and Great Britain there are key considerations that must be fully checked and actioned as required.

Key considerations

Make sure that you are ready for Brexit, AND make sure that your customers are ready too. Here's a handy checklist to help.

GB <> EU

When shipping between Great Britain and the EU there are key considerations that must be fully checked and actioned as required.
Learn more about UPN
To find out more about any aspect of UPN and its extensive range of high quality services, please get in touch today.