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Logistics help

GB & EU what you need to know

A handy checklist for European logistics

  • Register for VAT
  • Apply for and obtain an EORI number (anyone currently exporting/importing from beyond the EU will already have one)
  • Classify your goods – ensure you have the correct commodity codes:
    • Commodity codes, Duty If applicable and VAT rates can be checked at -
    • Correct classification is important to avoid any unexpected additional processes and could also identify goods that qualify under any free trade agreement
  • Goods that contain any products of animal or plant origin may require additional health certificates
  • Customs Clearance - It should be noted that there will be costs for the Export and Import customs clearance declarations.
  • Appoint a customs intermediary or prepare to complete Export/Import declarations yourself. These arrangements must be in place for both the Export and Import clearances prior to despatch

Commercial invoices

Commercial Invoices will become a way of life for importers/exporters and contain the necessary information to process a declaration. This includes but is not limited to:

  • A clear and concise description of the goods that are being exported or imported and the relevant commodity (HS) code
  • EORI number of the Exporter/Importer
  • Full quantities and net/gross weights
  • Packing list
  • The country of origin of the goods
  • The full value and currency of the goods
  • The terms of shipment (INCOTERMS)

See also

NI <> GB

When shipping between Northern Ireland and Great Britain there are key considerations that must be fully checked and actioned as required.

Useful links

The Brexit transition presents new challenges for logistics companies, our resource center offers valuable links and insights to help you navigate this changing landscape.

Key considerations

Make sure that you are ready for Brexit, AND make sure that your customers are ready too. Here's a handy checklist to help.
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