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EU logistics help

NI & GB what you need to know

Easier logistics between Northern Ireland and Great Britain.

Remember - Northern Ireland is in a unique position. It stays as a part of the EU single market and also the UK domestic market. As such there are changes to how freight will move from the 1st January 2021.

For goods travelling from Northern Ireland to GB, there are no changes to the way freight currently flows.

For specialist support contact:

For goods travelling from GB to Northern Ireland, Import declarations and Safety and Security Declarations (SSD) will apply. The following actions are required to comply

  • Apply for and obtain your EORI number. If the HMRC assess that you may require an additional NI specific EORI number (starting XI) this will be automatically sent to you by mid-December.
  • Register for the Trader Support Service (TSS) which has been set up to facilitate import declaration submissions for NI bound consignments from GB. Any of your customers sending goods to NI should register without delay -
  • All movements must be accompanied by the sender and recipients EORI numbers and additional information may be required but is subject to a final decision. To be advised
  • Classify your goods – ensure you have the correct commodity codes. Commodity codes, Duty (If applicable and VAT rates can be checked at Correct classification is important to avoid any unexpected additional processes and could also identify goods that qualify under any free trade agreement
  • Goods that contain any products of animal or plant origin may require additional health certificates

Northern Ireland procedures

The link here will help you and your customers through the new procedures for consignments to and from Northern Ireland from the 1st January 2021.

See also

Key considerations

Make sure that you are ready for Brexit, AND make sure that your customers are ready too. Here's a handy checklist to help.

Useful links

The Brexit transition presents new challenges for logistics companies, our resource centre offers valuable links and insights to help you navigate this changing landscape.

GB <> EU

When shipping between Great Britain and the EU there are key considerations that must be fully checked and actioned as required.
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