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Team C Express Logistics 'Make Jaws Drop' in their 25th year!

Established in 1997, Norfolk based Team C Express Logistics are this year celebrating their 25th year in business. To help celebrate they recently took delivery of a newly dual branded trailer for 2022.

The dual branding of this new fleet addition has provided the inspiration for the UPN 2022 media marketing theme.

We’re sure you’ll agree it’s a truly “jaw dropping” livery

 “I have always had a fascination with sharks,” said Tim Clements – MD and Founder of Team C Express Logistics, “When it came to which animal should promote UPN and Team C Express Logistics on our new trailer the choice was obvious!”.

 Scott Gaine – Sales Director – Team C Express Logistics – takes up the story, “I was able to persuade UPN to add “shark” to their promotional “zoo”, but we needed a really strong tagline, and think that we have found one,” said Scott.

Scott came up with a powerful sales message – First Class Travel is about making Jaws drop!” – which will now be seen on the new trailer and across all UPN online and media marketing throughout the year.

We’re sure you’ll agree it’s a truly “Jaw dropping” livery that’s certain to turn heads across the east of England.

Team C Express Logistics offer a comprehensive range of guaranteed same day, overnight and international delivery services to businesses in the region.

See also

The strong stable network
Secure, reliable, and specifically for palletised freight. A national UPN network of 90+ member depots. Freight is collected and delivered daily across the UK, and Europe.
Some background on UPN
With over 20 years of success and growth we have a solid past that is looking forward and investing heavily in the future of logisitics.
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